The ability “to keep the lights on” – To maintain daily routine and provide the necessities of life in a home or community. In these modern times is not just keeping the home fire burning as the requirement in days gone past, it is to have electricity. Our lives are centred around it. All modern connivances depend on it. Just think what your life would be like without it. It would be unbearable.

Our objective is for everyone to keep the lights on. We live in a world that is full of uncertainty, prone to hurricanes and earthquakes. We have to contend with natural and manmade disasters which can occur at any time of day or night.

We have selected the best that is available for you “to keep the lights on”. Power Station that are proven and reliable for both “back up” and “off grid” living.

They are presented in a easy to view and understand format. We have broken payments into 3 instalments to make them affordable and provide both off the shelf and modular “Native” options for you to choose from.

Our solutions are not a replacement for grid power (JPS), It is a solution for storing electricity and accessing it when you need to. You may use our solutions to reduce your cost and dependency on the gird.

We invite you to join our affiliation and reduce the cost of your solution choice.