What is a Power station?

It is a an installation where electrical power is generated or stored for distribution. You might be more familiar with a generator or a ups. Think of it as both. It has a battery and can be powered by solar panels or a wind/hydro turbines.

A portable power station is a rechargeable battery-driven source of power that is big enough to power your house or a campsite. You can power anything, anywhere. Size does matter.

Portable power stations have come a long way. In the past, they were limited to big, simple power banks that you could plug things into and receive juice from. But now there are tons of advanced models that offer much greater versatility and are equipped with helpful features like USB ports, solar panel inputs, wireless charging and much more. Some models can even be linked to other units for even more power and can tie into your home setup to provide backup power in emergencies.

What’s inside?

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    We are the power station experts. We can answer your questions.

    What is the difference between a power station and a gas generator?
    Which power station is suitable for me?
    Can a power station be used as a UPS?
    What kind of fuel does it use?
    Can it power my entire home/business?

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    The power requirements are measured in “watt hours” which is represented as “Wh” . A 100 watt light bulb uses 100 watts per hour. You can estimate your requirements by multiplying the watt of the item by the amount of hours that you wish operate it for. To operate a 100 watt light bulb for 8 hours requires 800Wh

    Go Native

    What is a native?

    Is a group of like mined people who want to unshackle themselves from high electricity bills or desire to have electricity in storage for emergencies. The objective of the network is that no one is left in dark! Been able to keep the lights on provides hope of been able to ride out the bad times. It reassures and gives you strength to carry on.

    A backup power supply will not only keep the lights on it will enable you maintain communications and seek assistance if required. Most modern conveniences require electricity to power them.  Having electricity  is a must to increase your chance of survival in any disaster.

    It’s like money in the bank. You have to be at a certain financial level to have money in the bank. So too if your want to have electricity  stored for an emergency. Our network allows you to have that electricity in storage for when you need it without the financial Burden.

    Natives  purchase our products at a discounted price and receive promotional offers and can take part in chalenges for rewards.

    Help grow our network 

    Accept our challenge and get your own “Piggy Bank” to store electricity for your emergency. Help us to grow our network by joining and referring others to join. As a member “Native” you will receive discount on your purchases from our online store qualify for benefits from our promotions.

    Our challenge is easy and the reward is to for you never to be in the dark again!

    Join today and take our challenge to get a Power Bank to store your electricity .

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